Versión "Imprime tu Vaina"
Imprimation your propio juego y comienza play now.
99 cartas para demostrar tu bilingüez
No es para chamos
5-30 min
Dura lo que te de la gana
de 2
a 10
Puede jugar un bululú
Juego is for...
Say Me Somesin is for toda la gente people (only venezolanation) que espeak inglish and espanish burda de good. You adivinate translation literally, fron criollo para to inglish.
Instructions for to make imprimation your propias cartas
Descargation this archivo PDF and imprimation in your casita. You can use paper blanco, vulgar y silvestre. Pero is más better if do it in cartón majomenos thick.
The cartas are in colores, pero if your printer is prehistoric, you can imprimation in blanco and negro (without siendo racista).
Kill a tiger
Recort the cartas in the lines, using tijeration, or a paper guillotina. You go, “¡suás!” and done. Is a trabajito ladilla, but with curdita in mano, you very happy…
Ready the chicken
If no understand “Kill a tiger“ y “Ready the chicken“ we recommendation no play.